
Monday, January 29, 2018

6 Heads / 12 Blocks (BOM)

Actually it's 6 Köpfe / 12 Blöcke, a German blog.

I stumbled over this side. Yes, Germans are now quilting too (it's a newer thing) and this is a BOM challenge. Actually it's a Row of the Month. I love the idea and, of course, have to participate.

Check it out. I don't think one needs to know German to understand. The pictures really tell all.

6 quilters are taking turns to post a pattern on their blog with great details. At the bottom participants post their link to what they have done. Lots of samples. Lots of inspiration. 
(Now I do have to figure out how to do the linking)

Here is my version. I am traveling and just packed some fabric from my stash. I mainly do quilts from stash. Unfortunately the fabric for the background was too flimsy. It really needs to be pitched. I was very disappointed that I couldn't work on this project but ... when we went to a meeting in Paducah KY on Thursday it took me 10 minutes to dash into Hancocks, pick some fabric, had it cut, pay and dash out. Yippee!

It really was fun and I am looking forward to next month!!!

Since I am going to link it to the German blog .... oben rechts ist ein Knopf "Translate" (Übersetzung). Darunter kannst du die Sprache suchen. Die Übersetzung ist manchmal ziemlich lustig aber ich glaube es hilft.

*  *  *  *
This block was provided by Gesine. Thanks!
I linked to the heart pattern:

Sunday, January 21, 2018

NQC block # 2

I know, I know, totally different fabric line than block # 1 but I am planning to make that one again. I do like how this turned out. The background fabric is a little "busy" but it is all I had in my stash in more quantity. 

I do want to report though what I did different.

First though I want to say how nice it is that Gina Perkes shares her patterns at the FaceBook group NQC Quilt Block Challenge. The patterns are written very detailed. I have no trouble understanding them and doing it. But ... we all work differently. I am a very frugal "cutter". Directions say to cut from the four different colors each a 5 1/4 inch square and cut it in 4 triangles but you only use 2. You cut from each a 4 7/8 inch square and cut it into 2 but only use 1. Too much waste for me.

So here is what I did:

I cut the 5 1/4 inch square (from each of the four fabrics) and cut it into 2 triangles.

I took one of the triangles, lined it up with a horizontal line of the cutting board and the tip on a vertical line and cut it (like you would cut it if you would cut the square into four). I had the 2 triangles I was supposed to have.

I took the other triangle, lined it up on the cutting board and imagined it as square. I cut it into the imaginary 4 7/8 inch square. I had that 1 triangle I was supposed to have. Almost no waste.

For me the trick to easy assembly/sewing is to "stage" the block. I folded the squares for the flying geese and pinned them and added all the other pieces. The rest was very easy chain-sewing.

Looking forward to next week's pattern!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Cotton Robin and other things

Got my Cotton Robin center done. It's going to be in the mail soon. Fun! Gosh, it's difficult not to show a photo of it since it is supposed to be a secret. You still can sign up to participate. Click on the LABEL on the right if you want to read more about my previous posts about it.

In the meantime I made these two hearts. Little projects. I am sorting out my files in my computer and in paper. Trying to decide what patterns to keep. These are Danish Woven Hearts, traditionally made with red and white paper.

When we were in Israel in September, we visited Nazareth Village and I was very interested to talk to a spinner/weaver. Here is the LINK to the blog. She had a bowl with different colored balls of wool and the natural material she had used to dye it. The dried peel of pomegranate stuck into my memory.

I peeled 3 or 4 pomegranates and let the peel dry forever ... until the pot kept getting into the way and it was time to try the dying. I had been told that the peel has to be dried first, then it had to be cooked. 

After it had cooled I strained it and soaked some pieces of white fabric. Let it soak for a long time.

I rinsed the pieces and put them into the dryer, and ironed them. I expected the color to be more intense and red, not yellow. The second photo shows the color more true. The brown spots on the fabric happened because I should have used a coffee filter instead of the sieve which was too corse. My first ever dyeing attempt.

I think dyeing is not my thing. It's easier to just buy gorgeous fabric (smile).

Sunday, January 14, 2018

NQC Quilt Block Challenge

I came across a new free BOM challenge. Here is the link to NQC Quilt Block Challenge.
The best is to sign up to also belong to the FaceBook group. Block #1 was published and the variety of all the different finished blocks posted is amazing. I learned a lot about choosing fabric by just looking. Couldn't leave it alone and had to try it. The block is 16 inches square. Here is my just finished Block #1:

One of the posted finished blocks was one where a border fabric was used. I "needed" to try that. The only border fabric I had in my stash was this:

It had to do. I cut the squares and pinned them on the rectangles to make sure I had them the correct way. You can see that the one in the middle still needs to be placed.

After I had sewn, ironed and trimmed the flying geese, I remembered that I had read a question on that FaceBook group site about "what to do with the cut-off".

Well, here is what I did. After cutting the rectangles for the inner smaller flying geese I marked them at 2 1/2 inches from both ends on both longer sides.

I paired up the 8 cut-offs from the larger flying geese and trimmed them to 2 1/2 inches on the top.

I placed them as if I had a square (on the marks to be sure) and sewed.

Ironed and then needs to be trimmed.

Here is a tip (you also can find under my Quilt Tutorial tab at the top = all those corner triangles). I don't mark squares across or iron like some, I put I piece of paper across (to be very accurate I pinned this time) and sew along the edge. It works out more perfect then anything else for me and ... it's fast! I would love to know if you tried it and what you think.

I do want to do this block again with a good color scheme in my mind. But I am very pleased right now anyway.

Block Lotto is back!

After a pause of 7 months Block Lotto is back to the enjoyment of a lot of us. I made this as soon as I saw there was a new pattern/challenge up. All the years I participated I usually made 1 block (and won twice) but since I was happy to see it again I made 2 and uploaded the photo.

Few days later I had a little more time to "play" and made 3 more blocks. More are cut out. I would like to make a charity quilt with it. It's a fast pattern.

Here is the link to BLOCK LOTTO if you would like to check it out and participate too (it's also one of the links I follow on the right side).

Thanks, Sophie!

Monday, January 8, 2018

More Postcards

Love doing these. It's my moment of play and relaxation between work.

At the January CR Quilters meeting I will pass along what I know and have learned about it. So, I decided to make a few more samples. I suggested to the group the "Valentine's theme".

I had read that you can also use index cards (or similar) instead of Peltex. That was my first new try. Well, yes, but I had to glue two more index cards over the first one to make it stiff enough. I also did not a very good job on the front. That probably could be improved though.

Having the index card on the back to write on is very nice though. Writing is easier.

Next: Not having a pattern my proportions are all wrong. I decided that doing real free motion quilting (little hearts) is good practice. Ha-ha, turns out to be more then just play.

Google free clip art hearts and ideas like this come up: Appliqué!

Another idea: Machine embroidery. Not perfect but quite cute (I think).

At the moment my favorite. Strip-pieced heart, cut out and appliquéd. I got fond of the shadow quilting. For the fun of it I mailed it to James to thank him for all the support he gives me with my hobbies. When it arrived five days later I asked him whether I could keep it. Really?

Hope I have lots to share after tomorrow's meetings.