
Friday, August 26, 2022

WE Quilters BOMs

Wow, it is already a year ago that I wrote about the WE Quilters "Block of the Month" HERE!

There is more to report since then!

In the above mentioned blog I had already posted the pattern for September last year. As it didn't have to be the specific leaf pattern I had to try out another pattern. I really liked it.

And here is the pieced top made from the blocks the members had brought to the meeting. 

Here is the pattern for the October meeting:

I think that was a fun project. I had not enough blocks for a whole quilt. But one member had gifted the autumn tree to the project. I made two more and also a fir type tree. And ... was rather happy with the result.

This was the BOM pattern for November. Not many blocks were brought in. There were not even enough for one quilt. Of course before Christmas everybody is so busy anyway. 

And then we didn't meet in December. And I think also not in January or February (? not sure whether it was the weather or covid). When we met again I didn't know whether members wanted to continue with this. But in March we decided that yes, continue. We used the same block again. I added the "scrappy feature". And here is the April BOM:

The turn-out this time was really great! And the results were two quilts with sashing.

The May pattern:
We had some interesting entries. Here is the result:

Something totally different for the June meeting:

The pattern was smaller and not many bird came flying. So we put them into the box with the left-over blocks from previous month and came up with this challenge: bring your orphan blocks!

That was a bigger success! Here is the first of the charity quilts were I started with all the birds we had in the middle. 

The second selection was laid out on my loft floor for quite a while. 

But it is finally finished now too. The two in the middle were a larger size. Somehow I had trouble with the math. Who would have known.

I should hurry because we have already blogs from the next month. What a great problem to have. But I must admit that making quilts out of random blocks is actually not so easy. It is a challenge I quite enjoy though.