Thursday, April 11, 2019

Can't tell

I have done not much lacing or sewing lately. I did work on Cotton Robin things but can't show yet. The big reveal is usually in July. I had mailed my center, received somebody else's center and put the first border around and mailed it. Two days ago I received another center with the first border and now should put a second border around. It's on the design wall and I try to decide what to do. It's fun.

I also have worked on the bed runner quilt I promised to make for Kate and David in England. I am quite pleased with it. James likes it too and encouraged me to let the quilting done by a longarmer. That's were it is now. Again, can't spoil the surprise.

I did go to the Hospitality Chapter monthly meeting April 3 (every first Wednesday) of the Richmond Quilt Guild though. It was very informative even though quilts which are so repetitive are not my thing any more. I like now quilts were something is going on ... most of the time. Still, I liked seeing them.

The quilter/speaker was Laura Blanchard. When I realized you can see her designs on her BLOG and from there on her website, I only posting here a few of the photos I took. 

I did like the combination of simple piecing with the appliquéd leaves. She showed a quilt and a table runner in different colors.

 I liked how she showed how one block can be arranged to a lot of different patterns just by the way you arrange them.

She passed cards around for us to get more ideas.

I start liking green and purple. You see why in a future blog.

She also mentioned that she likes to use this invisible thread for quilting, top and/or bottom thread.
She also likes to use double-sided fusible batting for table runners and mats. 

On the following Monday the Colonial Lacemakers met at my house. Unfortunately we were only three. Two more could not come at the last minute because they got sick. Most of the time we meet in Williamsburg (hence "Colonial") which is an hour drive ... for me to them ... or for them to me.

I felt encouraged to work on one of my long-term projects. When did I start this? How long should the scarf be? Keep going until the thread runs out on one bobbin.

The CR quilters met Tuesday. These are friends in my community. As always a lot of show+tell. I only took a few photos. Janet and Becky took a class how to make these with a flatlock seam on a serger. I want to research whether I can do that on my serger (which I have not used in at least 10 years). The fabric is fleece and so cuddly.

I hope I feel more energetic soon ... when this cold/cough is out of my system. I have so many UFOs and so many ideas and designs in my head. Sigh!

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